SAPA 2025 Symposium
As part of the American Society of Public Administration’s (ASPA) Annual Conference, scheduled on March 28-April 1, 2025, in Washington D.C. SAPA plans to host its annual Symposium focusing on the topic of Keeping African Public Servants in Public Service–Unleashing the Power of People and Technology on The African Continent. Aligned with ASPA conference theme, “Nor Robotics Yet: Keeping Public Servants in Public Service,” the Section on African Public Administration (SAPA) invites members in the US, the African continent, and globally to submit their paper proposals under the broad framework of intersectionality between governance, development, people, and technology in African public administration systems. Current and future members are invited to submit their research proposals in line with these matters. The call is diverse in its scope and breadth in reflection of the vastness of the African continent.
SAPA welcomes the submission of proposals for individual papers and fully formed panels in alignment with the SAPA 2025 Annual Symposium theme. The submission deadline is extended to October 30, 2024. Review of SAPA Symposium proposal submissions will begin on December 1st, 2024, and continue through December 15, 2024. Please note that the SAPA Symposium will run all day on March 28, 2025. Please submit your proposal to Dr. Shin Kue Ryu, SAPA Academic Affairs Committee Chair (, ccing SAPA Academic Affairs Chair or Dr. Rym Kaki (
The high-quality papers presented at the SAPA 2025 Symposium will be considered for publication in either a special co-edited issue of AJPAM (e-edition) and/or an edited volume. AJPAM is the African Journal of Public Administration and Management.
Washington DC Call for Papers 2025. PDF
SAPA 2025 Symposium
As part of the American Society of Public Administration’s (ASPA) Annual Conference, scheduled on April 12-16, 2024, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, SAPA plans to host its annual Symposium focusing on Pathways to Enhancing Resilience in the Context of African Governance and Development. Aligned with ASPA conference theme, “Building Resilient Communities,” the Section on African Public Administration (SAPA) invites members in the US, the African continent, and globally to submit their paper proposals on the concept and task of resilience building in the African context. The call for papers (CFP) invites scholars and practitioners to debate, within the African continent context, effective and innovative strategies to enhance communities’ ability to prepare for, cope with, rebound from, and adapt as needed to unexpected events and threats facing their local systems.
SAPA welcomes the submission of proposals for individual papers and fully formed panels in alignment with the SAPA 2024 Annual Symposium theme. The submission deadline is November 30, 2023. Review of SAPA Symposium proposal submissions will begin on December 1st, 2023, and continue through December 15, 2023. Please note that the SAPA Symposium will run all day on April 12, 2024.
Please submit your proposal to Dr. Shin Kue Ryu, SAPA Academic Affairs Committee Chair ( The high-quality papers presented at the Symposium will be considered for publication in either a special co-edited issue of AJPAM (e-edition) and/or an edited volume. AJPAM is the African Journal of Public Administration and Management.
Call for Papers Proposal. PDF
SAPA 2024 Symposium Program

SAPA 2023 Continental Conference, Cairo, Egypt
SAPA plans to hold its first continental hybrid conference, scheduled on June 6-7, 2023 in Cairo, Egypt 3:00-8:00 PM in Cairo, Egypt, focusing on “the Localization of African Sustainable Development Agenda: Challenges, Lessons Learnt and Opportunities for Public Administration Systems.” The SAPA 2023 continental conference, jointly organized with the American University of Cairo invites multidisciplinary scholars and practitioners into the conversation to take stock on the Africa 2063/SDGs implementation at the local level, unpacking the local understanding of African local public sector institutions and communities of the nationally framed SDGs agenda, priorities, metrics and timeframes. Below please refer to the call for papers. Review of SAPA 2023 continental conference proposal submissions will begin on December 15, 2022 and continue through March 15, 2023. Notifications of decisions will be made via email on or before March 20, 2023. Proposals should be emailed to the 2023 Symposium committee chair, Dr. Shin Kue Ryu ( We look forward to your participation in Cairo, both in-person and remotely.
Call for Papers Proposal. PDF
SAPA 2023 Cairo Conference Program. PDF
SAPA June 2023 Continental Conference, Cairo Egypt. PDF
Call for Papers Proposal. PDF
The American Society for Public Administration
2022 Annual Conference

“Democratic Governance in Africa:
Current Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities”
SAPA Symposium Organizing Committee (2022)
Shin Kue Ryu (Chair)
Gedeon Mudacumura (Member)
James Agbodzakey (Member)
Oluwole Owoye (Member)
Richard Greggory Johnson, III (Member)
Peter Fuseini Haruna (Member)
Genevieve Meyers (Member)
Jean-Claude Mansanga Ndongo (Member)
Cecilia Idika-Kalu (Member)
Rym Kaki (Member)
Total Time for Each Panel : 60 Minutes
Panel Moderator’s Introduction: 2 minutes (max)
Presentation: 10-15 minutes (max) per panelist
Audience Q & A via Chat Box: 15 minutes (max) minutes per panel

(9:00 am to 10:05 am EST)
Allan ROSENBAUM – President, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)
Professor, Florida International University and founding director of the Institute for Public Management and Community Service and Center for Democracy and Good Governance
Rym KAKI — Chair of ASPA Section on African Public Administration (SAPA)
Associate Professor and Vice Chair of The Department of Governance and Management at the University of Southern California, Sol Price School of Public Policy
Shin Kue RYU – SAPA 2022 Symposium Committee Coordinator
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Idaho State University

Dr. Ukertor MOTI
Dean of the Post Graduate School
Professor of Public Sector Management and Governance
University of Abuja, Nigeria
AJPAM Editor in Chief

Dr. Sofiane SAHRAOUI
Director General
International Institute of Administrative Sciences

Associate Professor
Department of Public Administration and Management
UNISA - University of South Africa
Panel I: Taking Stock of Public Administration Realities
(10:10 am to 11:40 am, EST)
Moderator: Genevieve MEYERS
1. Oluwole OWOYE (Western Connecticut State University, USA) & Olugbenga A. ONAFOWORA (Susquehanna University, USA)
“Have African Countries Transitioned to Effective Public Governance Performance Pathways in the 21st Century?”
2. Andrew Kweku CONDUAH (University of Professional Studies, Accra)
“Fighting Inequality Beats Poverty – The Case of Economic Inequalities in Ghana”
3. Shin Kue RYU and Chipiliro KALONDE (Idaho State University)
“Malawi Government’s COVID-19 Response: Tailoring to Contextual Factors”
4. Beruk ASFEW, Phoebe YANG, Dossoon MO, Minho PARK and Chenxi ZHANG (University of Southern California, USA)
“Lagging Agricultural Productivity and Sector Governance: Persistent Adverse Effects on Ethiopian Oromia Region’s Food Security and Poverty – A Policy Analysis”
5. Phil NYAKU and Shin Kue RYU (Idaho State University)
“Fumvudza – Peasant Agriculture Improvement Projects in Zimbabwe: Lessons and Challenges”
Panel II: Africa’s Public Sector Work Force Development in a Post-COVID-19 World:
Transitions and Trajectories in Comparative Perspective
(11:45 am to 01:15 pm EST)
Moderator: Peter HARUNA
1. Genevieve MEYERS (University of Detroit Mercy)
“African Workforce Development: The Case of Uganda”
2. Liza VAN JAARSVELDT (University of South Africa)
“Desperation, unemployment and the need for workforce development by the South African government”
3. Frank L. K. OHEMENG (Concordia University, Canada)
“Rebuilding the Democratic Developmental Public Service in Post-COVID Ghana: A Human Development Perspective”
4. Laila E. BARADEI (American University at Cairo, Egypt)
“Capacity Development for Public Servants: Case of Egypt”
5. Varaidzo ZVOBGO (Texas A&M International University, USA) & Ricky MUKONZA (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
“Continuities and Discontinuities in Zimbabwe’s Public Service in the COVID-19 era: A Civil Servants’ Perspective”
Panel III: Political Transitions & Institutional Consequences
(1:20 pm to 2:55 pm EST)
Moderator: Dr. Sofiane SAHRAOUI
1. Rym KAKI (University of Southern California, USA)
“State-Bureaucracy Interactions in Turbulent Times – Tunisia’s Current Political Governance Crisis in the midst of Prolonged Economic Woes and Pandemic Challenges”
2. Mohamed Alaa ABDEL-MONEIM (Cairo University, Egypt)
“State-Bureaucracy Interactions in Turbulent Times – Managing Egypt’s Covid-19 Fiscal Stimulus and Stabilization Strategy”
3. Bakry El MEDNI (Long Island University, Brooklyn, USA)
“Sudanese Revolution and Democratic Transformation: The Conditions for State Building a Smooth Transition”
4. Cecilia IDIKA-KALU (University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA)
“Forging Security in Fragile States: Dissecting Local Agency in Nigeria”
5. John OSAE-KWAPONG (The Democracy Project, USA)
“What does Afrobarometer tell us about the politics-administration dichotomy in African nations?”
6. John-Mary Kauzya (UNDESA)
“Combating Corruption in Public Sector Institutions in the Context of Politico-Administrative Change: Lessons from Uganda’s Experience”
Panel IV. ICT Infrastructure & Governance: Gaps & Opportunities
(2:55 pm to 4:25 pm EST)
Moderator: Oluwole OWOYE
1. Sombo MUZATA (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA)
“Diaspora engagement and latest innovations (Foundation) – Social Entrepreneur”
2. Ephrem Kwaku KWAA-AIDOO (University of Education ,Winneba, Ghana) & Erika Mamley OSAE (University of Professional Studies, Ghana)
“Exploring IT Governance Structures and Practices in Higher Education Institutions in Ghana: Exploring the gaps and opportunities (The UEW & UPSA/UCC case)”
3. Joseph ANTWI-BOASIAKO (GIZ, Ghana)
“Promoting social accountability in a digital era in Ghana”
4. Jean-Claude Mansanga NDONGO (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
“Flipping the coin! Cryptocurrency as an innovative and postmodern approach to public administration in Africa”
5. Rediate TEKESTE (Ethiopia Diaspora Fellowship, USA)
“Leveraging Digital Competencies in Harnessing Diaspora and Ethiopian Youth Talent Development: A Case Study of EDF”
Panel V. Collaborative Governance in Turbulent Times
(4:30 pm to 6:00 pm EST)
Moderator: Shin Kue RYU
1. Adebayo ANDARI (Planning & Valuation Consultants, Inc.)
“Democratic Governance in Africa: Nigerian Local Government Policy Administration Environment and Outcome”
2. James K. AGBODZAKEY (University of North Texas at Dallas) and Sandra SCHROUDER (Barry University)
“An Anatomy of the Nongovernmental Sector in Ghana during the Rawlings Era: Examining Contributions to Governance and Development”
3. Bok Gyo JEONG and Victoria KAYINGO (Kean University, USA)
“Inter-organizational and multi-level collaborative governance on children’s emergency needs: A case of Uganda during the Covid 19 pandemic”
4. George ATISA & Aziza ZEMRANI (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA)
“Governance and Decentralization in African Development”
5. Tunde AJAYI (Federal University of Agriculture, Nigeria) and Ki Hee Ryu (Seoul National University, South Korea)
“Contributions of South Korean Universities to National Economic Development: Lessons for African Higher Education”
Concluding Remarks
Rym KAKI (University of Southern California), SAPA Chair
Call for Papers Proposal. PDF
“Africa’s Development Governance Post COVID-19 Disruptions & Setbacks”
Opportunities for An Equitable Socio-Economic Recovery

American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Annual Conference
Section on African Public Administration (SAPA)
Time: Friday, April 9th, 2021, 9:00 AM to 3:10 PM (EST)
SAPA Symposium Organizing Committee (2021)
Gedeon Mudacumura (Chair)
Bok Gyo Jeong (Member)
Rym Kaki (Member)
Frank Ohemeng (Member)
Ezechiel Sentama (Member)
David Bell (Member)
Total Time for Each Panel : 60 Minutes
Panel Moderator’s Introduction: 2 minutes (max)
Presentation: 8-10 minutes (max) per panelist
Audience Q & A via Chat Box: 15-20 minutes (max) minutes per panel
(9:00 am to 9:55 am EST)
Kendra Steward -President, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)
Professor of Political Science and Public Administration and Director of the Joseph P.
Riley, Jr., Center for Livable Communities at the College of Charleston;
Rym Kaki -Chair of ASPA Section on African Public Administration (SAPA)
Associate Professor and Vice Chair of The Department of Governance and
Management at the University of Southern California, Sol Price School of Public Policy
Gedeon Mudacumura -Chair-Elect of ASPA Section on African Public Administration (SAPA)And SAPA 2021 Symposium Committee Coordinator
President of Interdisciplinary Action Research Centers

John-Mary KAUZYA
Chief of Public Service Innovation Branch,
Directorate for Public Institutions and Digital Government,
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)

Secretary General of United Cities and Local Governments of
Africa (UCLG Africa); Chairperson of the Cities Alliance Interim
Management Board and Deputy Secretary General of the China-
Africa forum of local governments

President of Dickinson College, PA, USA; Former President
of the American University of Nigeria

Director General of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS)
Panel I: Public Leadership and Governance in Turbulent Times
(10:00 am to 10:55 am, EST)
Moderator: Genevieve MEYERS
1. John-Mary KAUZYA, (United National DESA): “Ten Priority Transformational Leadership Focus Action Areas (FARs) in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Africa’s Renewed Change Leadership Challenge
2. Kwame Badu ANTWI-BOASIAKO (Stephen F. Austin State University):“Democracies in Times of Crises: A Comparative Analysis”
3. Keba SYLLA (Queens Borough /CUNY Community College):“The Innovative Role and Responsibility of African Public Sector Leaders Facing new Challenges in Africa.”
4. James K. AGBODZAKEY (University of North Texas at Dallas) & Felix KUMAH-ABIWU
(Pan-African Studies):“The Chronology of Public Administration in Africa: Can the Center Hold?”
5. Bismark MUTIZWA (University of Zimbabwe):“Unpacking Organizational Capacity in the Zimbabwean Public Sector During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Panel II: Strategic Approaches to Fighting COVID-19
(11:00 am to 11:55 pm EST)
Moderator: Rym KAKI
1. Andrew I. E. EWOH (Texas Southern University) & Justina U. EWOH (The University of
Texas Health Science Center): “Approaches to Containing COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria: Public Policy Responses, Challenges and Lessons Learned”
2. Peter HARUNA (Texas A&M International University): “Fighting the COVID-19 in Development Perspective: Issues and Experiences in Ghana”
3. Bakry ELMEDNI (Long Island University): “Fighting the COVID-19 in Development Perspective: Issues and Experiences in Ghana”
4. Ahmed Nuhu AHMED (Kogi State University): “Realities Of E-Governance: Rethinking Public Governance In Nigeria, Within The Context Of Covid-19”
Panel III: Pandemic Response and Health Care Systems
(12:00 pm to 12:55 pm EST)
Moderator: David BELL
1.Abbas MUGISHA (Kabale University, Uganda; Open University of Tanzania): “Cross Border Business and Survival Mechanisms in The Context Of Covid-19: Empirical Evidence From Katuna Border”
2. Douglas KIMEMIA (Virginia Commonwealth University): “Health Pandemic Response: Case for Kenya and Tanzania”
3. Oluwole OWOYE (Western Connecticut State University) & Olugbenga A.
ONAFOWORA (Susquehanna University): “The Economic Impact of Infectious Diseases and the Health Care Systems in Africa”
4. Bok Gyo JEONG (Kean University) & Victoria KAYINGO (Kean University): “Collaboration between Government, NGOs, and International Organizations responding to Children’s Needs during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case of Uganda”
Panel IV. Public Infrastructure, Capacity Building, and Free Trade
(1:00 pm to 1:55 pm EST)
Moderator: Bok Gyo JEONG
1. James K. AGBODZAKEY (University of North Texas at Dallas) & Sandra SCHROUDER
(Barry University): “Africa’s Governance Infrastructures: The Case of Cuba’s Medical Diplomacy in
Healthcare Capacity Building”
2. Jean-Claude Mansanga NDONGO (Florida Atlantic University): “The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement and public procurement in Africa”.
3. Frank L.K. OHEMENG & Noah TUMFO (University of Ghana): “Bureaucratic Capacity Building in Ghana’s Civil Service to Address Wicked
Problems: Lessons from Co-Design Perspective?”
4. Reuel MEBUIN & Macsu HILL (Rutgers University-Newark): “Africa’s infrastructural deficits and the implications on public health”
5. Erika Mamley OSAE, Andrew Kweku CONDUAH, and Mary Naana ESSIAW
(University of Professional Studies): “Twenty First Century African Public Infrastructure: Gaps Assessment and the Way Forward in a Resilient African Post COVID-19 Recovery.”
Panel V. Public Finance and Resource Management
(2:00 pm to 3:10 pm EST)
Moderator: Frank OHEMENG
1. Sombo M. CHUNDA (Virginia Commonwealth University): “Breaking the cycle of public debt in Zambia: Proposing a framework for collective accountability”
2. Pawla WENGA (John Hopkins University): “The State of Africa’s Financial Resource Management and the Role of Diaspora in Africa’s future”
3. David A. BELL (Indiana University Bloomington): “Utilization of African Resources: Power and Voice of China, African Nations, and NGOs”
4. Rym KAKI (University of Southern California): “Social Finance Institutions in Africa in the Wake of Covid-19 Pandemic: Managing Disruptions, Assessing Setbacks, and Leveraging Financial Technology Innovation”
Concluding Remarks: Rym Kaki (University of Southern California), SAPA Chair.
As part of ASPA annual conference, SAPA plans to host a symposium focusing on a range of topics. We invite conference attendees to join us for our virtual symposium on Friday, Jun 26, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada).

SAPA Virtual Symposium Program
Vision 2020 for Africa’s Development Transformation:
Challenges & Opportunities

American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Annual Conference
Section on African Public Administration (SAPA)
Time: Jun 26, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 5671 9683
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,85356719683# US (New York)
+13017158592,,85356719683# US (Germantown)
SAPA Symposium Organizing Committee (2020)
Simone Martin-Howard (Chair)
Gedeon Mudacumura (Member)
Bok Jeong (Member)
Total Time for Each Panel (2-3 Papers): 25 Minutes
Panel Chair’s Introduction: 3-5 minutes (max)
Presentation: 7-8 minutes (max) for each of 2-3 papers
Audience Q & A via Chat Box: 10 minutes (max) minutes per panel
WELCOME (11:00AM – 11:15AM)
Kendra Steward
(Riley Center for Livable Communities, College of Charleston) President, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA); Rym Kaki (University of Southern California), Chair of ASPA Section on African Public Administration (SAPA); Simone Martin-Howard (Long Island University-Brooklyn), Chair of SAPA 2020 Symposium Committee;PANEL I: Vision 2020 for Transformative Leadership and Governance (11:15AM – 11:45AM)
Moderator: Dr. Atta Ceesay (Buffalo State, The State University of New York) Presenters: 1. Simone Martin-Howard (Long Island University-Brooklyn): “Narratives from Government Officials and NGO Staff: A Case Study on Teenage Pregnancy in the Western Cape, South Africa”; 2. Macsu Hill & Reuel Mebuin (Rutgers University-Newark): “How can African Youth be more Empowered and Engaged in their Respective Countries’ Development Governance?”; 3. Rediate Tekeste (Ethiopia Diaspora Fellowship): “Diaspora Contributions to Youth-Targeted Human Capacity Building and Professionalization”.PANEL II: Fostering Effective Development Policy and Management (11:45AM – 12:10PM)
Moderator: Dr. Aminata Sillah (Towson University) Presenters: 1. Bok Jeong & Sara Compion (Kean University): “The Effect of Women’s Leadership on Social Enterprises in Southern and Eastern Africa: Economic, Social and Governance Dimensions”; 2. Mitzi Romina Salgado (University of Southern California: “The influx of Cameroonian Asylum Seekers at the Northern US-Mexico Border”.PANEL III: African Infrastructure: Assessment of Gaps and Opportunities (12:10 PM – 12:35PM)
Moderator: Dr. Frank Ohemeng (Concordia University, Canada) Presenters: 1. Peter Haruna (Texas A&M International University): “Africa in Light of Agenda 2063 Goals: Gaps and Inequalities in Social-Cultural and Economic-Physical Infrastructure”; 2. Bakry Elmedni (Long Island University-Brooklyn): “Public Sector’s Role in Promoting the State of Infrastructure in Sudan”.PANEL IV: Public and Development Finance (12:35 PM – 1:10 PM)
Moderator: Dr. Gedeon Mudacumura (IRAC Founder & CEO) 1. David Bell (Indiana University): “Pro-Poor Financial Sector Development: Strengthening Ethical Leadership through Understanding Ethical Dilemmas”; 2. Rym Kaki (University of Southern California): “Social Finance Innovations and Poverty Reduction: Toward an Integrated Assessment Framework to Strengthen African Social Finance NGOs Management and Oversight Capacity”. Concluding Remarks: Rym Kaki (University of Southern California), SAPA Chair.SAPA 2020 Symposium Cancellation Announcement!
As the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)’s annual conference got canceled due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this year’s Section on African Public Administration (SAPA) Symposium has also been canceled. Please refer to ASPA’s President Paul Dancyzk’s statement: “The National Council’s unanimous decision [to cancel the conference] is based, of course, on the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, as well as recent government guidance issued by the State of California and City of Anaheim.”
The SAPA Symposium Committee has closely worked with the SAPA Leadership in reaching this unfortunate but unavoidable decision due to the public health implications associated with our members’ domestic and international travel.
SAPA Leadership as well as the Symposium Committee would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to the panelists who were included in the originally planned program. The Committee along with the leadership have worked tirelessly to put together an outstanding program, involving keynote speakers, scholars and practitioners, from the US and the African Continent, all committed to advancing the conversation on Africa’s hot-button public sector governance, management and leadership issues. If you wish to furtively look at what the 2020 SAPA Symposium would have looked like please click the following link:
We hope to see you all at the next year’s SAPA Symposium with health, resilience and deep reflections about how individuals, communities and public service systems respond to a global pandemic of this magnitude! Not knowing the true extent of COVID 19 on human lives, health care systems and the global economy, 2020 will certainly remain in our collective memory as a grave year warranting deep reflection. Like all prior pandemics, this one shall pass too!
Rym Kaki, SAPA Chair (2019-2021)
As part of ASPA annual conference, April 3-7, 2020, SAPA plans to host a symposium focusing on a range of topics. We invite conference attendees to join us for our symposium on Friday April 3, 2020 ( 1:00 PM to 6:15 PM). The program is available here below and can also be downloaded Symposium Program
Vision 2020 for Africa’s Development Transformation:
Challenges & Opportunities

American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Annual Conference
Section on African Public Administration (SAPA)
Friday, April 3, 2020 – 1:00 pm – 6:15 pm, Room: Salon 8
Hyatt Regency Orange County Hotel, Garden Grove, CA
SAPA Symposium Organizing Committee (2020)
Simone Martin-Howard (Chair)
Gedeon Mudacumura (Member)
Bok Jeong (Member)
Total Time for Each Panel (5 Papers): 60 Minutes
Panel Chair’s Introduction: 3-5 minutes (max)
Presentation: 8-10 minutes (max) for each of 5 papers
Audience Q & A: 15-20 (max) minutes per panel
WELCOME AND KEYNOTE SESSION (1:00 pm to 2:00 pm)
Paul Dancyzk
(University of Southern California), President, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA);
Rym Kaki
(University of Southern California), Chair of ASPA Section on African Public Administration (SAPA);
Simone Martin-Howard
(LIU-Brooklyn), Chair of SAPA 2020 Symposium Committee;
Keynote Speakers:
H. E. Anastase Shyaka, (Rwandan Minister of Local Governments);
H. E. Mathilde Mukantabana (Rwandan Ambassador to the USA).
PANEL I: Vision 2020 for Transformative Leadership and Governance In Africa (2:00 pm to 3:00 pm)
Moderator: Dr. Jessie Rose Mabutas
1. Emmanuel Nnadozie & Herbert Robinson (The African Capacity Building Foundation, Harare, Zimbabwe): “Transformative Leadership in Africa: Capacity Requirements for Africa’s Development”;
2. Simone Martin-Howard (Long Island University-Brooklyn): “Narratives from Government Officials and NGO Staff: A Case Study on Teenage Pregnancy in the Western Cape, South Africa”;
3. James Agbodzakey (University of North Texas at Dallas): “Africa’s Governance Infrastructures: The Case of Cuba’s Medical Diplomacy in Healthcare Capacity Building”;
4. Rediate Tekeste (Ethiopia Diaspora Fellowship): “Diaspora Contributions to Youth-Targeted Human Capacity Building and Professionalization”;
5. Macsu HillHow can African Youth be more Empowered and Engaged in their Respective Countries’ Development Governance?
PANEL II: Fostering Effective Development Policy and Management (3:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
Moderator: Dr. Gedeon Mudacumura
1. Bok Jeong & Sara Compion (Kean University): “The Effect of Women’s Leadership on Social Enterprises in Southern and Eastern Africa: Economic, Social and Governance Dimensions”;
2. Sombo M. Chunda: (Virginia Commonwealth University): “Changing the Narrative? Understanding Entrepreneurship in Africa”;
3. Aminata Sillah, (Towson University) & Sait-Matty Jaw (University of The Gambia): “Public Service Delivery: What Government Thinks and what Citizens Want – A Case Study of the Gambia”;4. Mitzi Romina
4. Salgado, (University of Southern California): “The Influx of Cameroonian Asylum Seekers at the Northern US-Mexico Border”;
5. Ezechiel Sentama, (Coventry University): “Local Government in Post-Violence Recovery: Lessons from Post-Genocide Rwanda”.
PANEL III. African Infrastructure: Assessment of Gaps and Opportunities (4:00 pm – 5:00 pm)
Moderator: Dr. Peter Haruna
1. Bernard Munezero, (University of Lay Adventists of Kigali): “The African Infrastructure: Strategies to Closing the Gaps”;
2. Peter Haruna, (Texas A&M International University): “Africa in Light of Agenda 2063 Goals: Gaps and Inequalities in Social-cultural and Economic-physical Infrastructure”;
3. Bakry Elmedni, (Long Island University-Brooklyn): “Public Sector’s Role in Promoting the State of Infrastructure in Sudan”;
4. Kwame Antwi-Boasiako, (Stephen F. Austin State University): “Deconstructing and Constructing an Effective Leadership in Africa”’
5.Albert Ahenkan, (University of Ghana Business School): “Corporate Environmentalism: An Assessment of Sustainability Reporting among Firms in Ghana”
PANEL IV: Public and Development Finance (5:00 pm to 6:15 pm)
Moderator: Dr. Rym Kaki
1. Aroon Manoharan & Malcolm Russel-Einhorn, (University of Massachusetts Boston): “E-Governance in Large African Cities: Understanding Key Factors in Enhancing or Impeding Access to information and Services”;
2. Genevieve Enid Meyers, (University of Detroit Mercy): “Development and the Challenge of Gender-responsive Budgeting in Africa: The Case of Uganda”;
3. David Bell, (Indiana University): “Pro-Poor Financial Sector Development: Strengthening Ethical Leadership through Understanding Ethical Dilemmas”;
4. Papa M. Tandia, (United Nations Development Program): “An Empirical Analysis of the Link between Corruption, Human Capital and Social Development: Evidence from Southern Africa”;
5. Rym Kaki, (University of Southern California): “Development (Social) Finance Innovations and Poverty Reduction: Toward an Integrated Assessment Framework to Strengthen Public & Third Sector Social Finance Management and Oversight Capacity: Comparative Lessons from North Africa”;
Symposium Concluding Remarks: Rym Kaki, (University of Southern California), SAPA Chair.
ASPA 2019
The Section of Public African Administration – 1st Round Table
African Development Governance: Lessons Learned
George Elliot School of International Affairs
George Washington University
1957 E Street NW, Conference Room 505, Washington, DC, 20052
Friday, March 8th 2019, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
The Section of Public African Administration – 1st Round Table
African Development Governance: Lessons Learned
George Elliot School of International Affairs –George Washington University
1957 E Street NW, Conference Room 505, Washington, DC, 20052
Friday, March 8th 2019, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Round Table Goal: to provide a forum for scholars, practitioners & graduate students interested in African development governance to share cutting-edge theory, propose Africa-tailored strategies & solutions to move the continent forward
Moderator, Welcome Address
Professor Emeritus of Public Administration
Lawrence MANZI
Opening Remarks – Africa’s 2063 Agenda Strategic Goals
First Counselor, Embassy of Rwanda, Washington DC
African Diaspora and Social Entrepreneurship
Professor of Public Administration, George Washington University
Accountability Systems for Public Financial Governance
& Jessie MABUTAS
African Capacity Building Foundation Executive Board
Local Knowledge-led African Development Governance
Professor of International Development, George Mason University & President of The Maghreb Center on North Africa
Africa’s Readiness for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Virginia Commonwealth University, Doctoral Student
Rebecca LIN, Ruslan KAMASH
South Africa’s Land Redistribution Governance: Policy & Lessons
University of Southern California, IPPAM Master Students
Closing Remarks
Associate Professor, University of Southern California

The Section of Public African Administration New Section Launch
Ushering in the Next Frontier of Public Administration in Africa
Sunday, March 11th 2018, 8:30 – 10:00 AM, Mineral Hall C Room
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Denver, Colorado
The Section of Public African Administration New Section Launch
Ushering in the Next Frontier of Public Administration in Africa
Sunday, March 11th 2018, 8:30 – 10:00 AM, Mineral Hall C Room
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Denver, Colorado
Moderator, Welcome and Opening Remarks
Professor at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, U.S.
ASPA/SAPA Contributions to African Public Administration
ASPA Past President & Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, U.S.
SAPA’s Role in Facilitating Int’l. & Interdisciplinary Research
Associate Professor at University of Southern California, U.S.
Anastase SHYAKA
African 2063 Agenda: Overview of Current Strategic Goals
Professor and CEO of Rwandan Governance Board
Ibrahim MAYAKI
New Partnerships for Africa’s Development: Lessons Learned
CEO of New Partnership for Africa’s Development, Ethiopia
Africa Current Governance Challenges and Opportunities
Institute for Democracy and Elections Assistance, Ethiopia
African Diaspora and Social Entrepreneurship
Founder and Director, Ethiopian Diaspora Fellowship, U.S.